Naujas psichologinis FRPG sraiges greiciu "Dykviete&
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Author:  nadyras [ 2005-12-16 12:58 ]
Post subject: 

Klausimas - kaip su pertrauka sventems? A? siulykit

Author:  MudzhyJ [ 2005-12-16 17:14 ]
Post subject: 

Nezhinau kas ir kiek ilgai tas shventes shvenchia, bet zhaidimas apskritai vyksta su nemenkomis pertraukomis, tad dar skelbti kazoki priverstini nepostinima nelabai matau prasmes...

Author:  Ferox [ 2005-12-16 18:56 ]
Post subject: 


Author:  eSerys [ 2006-02-13 16:18 ]
Post subject: 

Kodel veiksmas sutojo ? dabar yra ta "sventine partrauka" ?

Author:  MudzhyJ [ 2006-02-14 1:19 ]
Post subject: 

Nezhinau, ash taip ilgai neshvenchiu. Meistras gal uzsivertes darbais/mokslais/kitom bedom. Tikiuosi dar nereikes laidot, nors apie geima jau kuris laikas visai buvau pamirshes...

Author:  qdoom [ 2006-02-15 11:45 ]
Post subject: 

MudzhyJ wrote:
Nezhinau, ash taip ilgai neshvenchiu. Meistras gal uzsivertes darbais/mokslais/kitom bedom. Tikiuosi dar nereikes laidot, nors apie geima jau kuris laikas visai buvau pamirshes...
Kas tiesa, tas ne melas...
Aš šiandien irgi taip sėdžiu, mąstau apie kažką... "Foruminis RPG!, visai buvau pamiršęs, tikiuosi dar manęs neišmetė..." Ir štai aš čia...

Author:  Dovys [ 2006-06-24 11:47 ]
Post subject: 

As isvazuosiu su palapinem y gamta grysiu gal uz 1 sav :o

Author:  Dovys [ 2006-06-24 11:48 ]
Post subject: 

"Herein lies some of our oldest and most basic surviving lore. These are the spells most common to the arcane arts of Khardan. Listed together are the runic, ritual, and incantation arcana. Most of the more intricate spells practiced among magi are the spells that were created by forgotten masters of the arts. Some of the spells even bear the sigils of magi from the magikeal holocaust. You fledgling magi are encouraged by the enclave to develop and create your own arcane lore. For your survival, do not depend on the works of others."

-The Sorcerers Enclave.

Lycadican was concieved in 1990 as an alternative to other fantasy role playing games. At that time my campaigning adverturers thirsted for somthing more than an a-typical fantasy world. We envisioned a fantasy world where new and alien races populated the lands; where arcane arts of all forms are practiced and mysticism, terror and wonder still lay behind every door. From the depths of our imaginations a forgotten land emerged. Just like it's latin counterpart, Lycadican stirred our imaginations and the world of Khardan appeared in the void. Crude rules were defined, wonderous lands were described and populated, and arcane arts were put to paper. Thus, a new world was born. There are just a few of the races and magikes in the world of Khardan listed on this site. Click the FRPG link to the righ to view them.

The book itself needs pictures of all kinds to spark the imagination where arcane runes and symbols fail. If you are a god of the arts and wish to contribute, dispatch the minion below that is at your disposal to send us the aid we seek. Every artist or author that contributes work to the book will recieve his own page on this site dedicated to him. Also he will be listed in the credits to the book and will have a section where he may have short write ups on each piece of art or may have a bio.

I am currently looking for play testers for the latest version of the Lycadican FRPG. If you are a Lycadican player and wish to provide valuable feedback or; If you wish to join the lycadican effort, feel free to subscribe to our mailing lists, below or email me directly. There is also guestbook/forum below on the counter graphic where you can give us your feedback.

I have recently just posted some of my papers from my studies of Anthropology at university. One in particular is an assesment about using structuralism to provide a framework for game designers wishing to use anthropological tools to create culture in a fantasy setting. You can see these papers here: Game Design Documents

Author:  Dovys [ 2006-06-24 11:49 ]
Post subject: 

Zinoma kad tiesa

Author:  Dovys [ 2006-06-24 11:49 ]
Post subject: 

:lol: ne RPG o FRPG :!: :)

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