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PostPosted: 2006-08-23 15:50 
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jo dvasios jiem truksta tikrai. kad parsiduoda tai senai jau buvo zinoma, bet jie gal netaps tiesiogiai ea o tik dukterine, tai gal ir nieko blogo kad babkes is ea o senoji dvasia likus..


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PostPosted: 2006-08-23 18:09 
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Drakar wrote:
kompanija Mythic Entertainment - musu jau mylimo ir labai laukemo WAR gamintojas - parsiduoda :(

ir naujieji seiminikai bus ... Electronic Arts
Old news. 8)
tiesa zada kad tiek DAoC tiek WAR bus vystomi ir palaikomi toliau
Na del WAR Mythica ir nupirko, ne del graziu akiu gi. :P
O DAOCo naujas expansionas paskelbtas, patchai eina, tad kol kas viskas kaip po senovei. :wink:
netgi yra gandu kad Mythic Entertainment prisides prie Ultima Onlne visatos atgaivinimo
Tai irgi ne gandai, o faktas, nors nieko konkretaus nebus iki tol, kol Mythicas oficialiai nesiintegruos i EA. Nes iki tol, kaip suprantama, EA negali Mythicui rodyti UO kodo/dokumentacijos/pan. Kas is to iseis, aisku, nezinia (ir zr. zemiau).
net nezinau ar dziaugtis ar liudeti
Na EA savo laiku labai prisidirbo online zaidimuose, praktiskai suzlugde Origina, uzmuse du UOII projektus, todel zaidejai yra labai itarus. (Zr. ). Is kitos puses, kaip jau rasiau kitur, EA kaltinami ir del savo seriju zaidimu melzimo be naujoviu. Pagaliau dar buvo istorija apie tai, kaip jie nuvarineja savo programuotojus, i ka bent jau kiti geekai irgi paziurejo nedraugiskai. Trumpai sakant EA turi labai nekokia reputacija.

O kaip bus - paziuresim.

Nauja monstru rase: EA menedzeriai Raimondas

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PostPosted: 2006-08-24 0:32 

Joined: 2004-03-20 20:50
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Tai irgi ne gandai, o faktas, nors nieko konkretaus nebus iki tol, kol Mythicas oficialiai nesiintegruos i EA. Nes iki tol, kaip suprantama, EA negali Mythicui rodyti UO kodo/dokumentacijos/pan. Kas is to iseis, aisku, nezinia (ir zr. zemiau).
O kaip bus su licenzijom? Kazhkur skaichiau, kad "nevisa Ultima" EA priklauso.


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PostPosted: 2006-08-24 5:55 
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Joined: 2003-10-17 22:32
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sarua wrote:
O kaip bus su licenzijom? Kazhkur skaichiau, kad "nevisa Ultima" EA priklauso.
Kaip sakiau, detaliu nebus, kol Mythicas oficialiai netaps EA dalim. Kas nors naujo bus pranesta ne anksciau kaip rudeni-ziema. Ir, jei skaitei straipsni apie EA ir Origina, net ir jei bus kas nors daroma, tai dar nereiskia, kad tai isvis dienos sviesa.

Galbut jie prisides prie sito:

O del "nevisa Ultima" EA priklauso noreciau saltinio.

Avataras Raimondas

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PostPosted: 2006-08-24 10:29 

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The creator, Richard Garriott, no longer owns the rights to the game, nor participates in the development, however he still owns the rights to several of the characters from the game. Due to this, it is impossible for either Richard Gariott or EA to create a new Ultima game without first getting permission from the other, which is unlikely.


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PostPosted: 2006-08-25 11:38 
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THE DWARFS ... Dwarfs.php

atskleistos dwarfu "Career Options"

# Ironbreaker
"To strike an Ironbreaker is to strike an anvil. You are more likely to re-shape your weapon than to move him… and heavens forbid one lands on you..."
- High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer

Playing this Career:
"Just out from the tunnels eh? Bloody hard fighting in the dark it is! Well it's not much better here laddie! Just like in the tunnels, as an Ironbreaker your goal is to get between your friends and your foes and use your defensive skills to hold the line. If you can’t immediately find a Greenskin, or they are avoiding you, make mental grudges and you'll see what happens, ha! Your grudges make you a problem they can’t ignore for long, as you grow more powerful in your defense of your allies. Even when you have no allies to protect, we Ironbreakers are used to being alone, outnumbered and in the dark. As long as we have enemies within reach of our axes, we will be fine."

Fighting this Career:
"Oi! Da 'Ard Stuntie is well..umm 'ard! You can bash 'em, kick 'em and chop 'em and he will still be standin'. And don't you try to run around him either! All dat runnin' from a proper fight causes him to get right mad, so mad dat he will be twice as 'ard as before! Da best way of killn' da 'Ard Stuntie is with da WAAAAGH! magic and arrerz. Lots and lots of arrerz! Hit him from a long way away!"

# Hammerer
“Take a rock, say as tall as a dwarf, and roll it down a mountain side. Now imagine it with a beard and a hammer, and you’ve almost got the idea of a Hammerer.”
- Johondor, Dwarf Storyteller

Playing this Career:
"Welcome to the Hammerers, lad. You think you were good before? Ha! Now that you're one of the "King's Own" you'd best hit twice as hard, and don't stop for nothin'! If you're not swinging your hammer, then chances are you're dead. As a Hammerer your job is relatively simple: hit things hard! Your strength will grow the longer the fight runs, so your best option is to get stuck in quick and drop one foe at a time. However, it’s important that you think ahead, especially with lots of them darn Greenskins about. When your enemy falls to your hammer, and trust me lad he will, you must keep your momentum going! This means you must always be on the lookout for another Greenskin to crush as you overcome your current foe. The job of a Hammerer is straightforward but not easy, make no mistake. The trick is to hit the right blows at the right time on the right Greenskin and you will be striking lines out of your clan's Book of Grudges before you know it. Oh, and remember what I said before: if you're not swinging your hammer, then chances are you're dead...or you might as well be."

Fighting this Career:
"Now listen 'ere and listen good! Da Hammer Stuntie may be short and fat, but he will break yer bones fast! Being a stuntie, he is 'ard and pretty well protected. But he is all about attackin' which is good because it lets you fight him fair and square! And us Orcs is all about da fightin'! Send da close-in boyz like da cruel Choppa or da mean and dirty Black Orc against him! No matter what, and listen to dis part, you must break da Hammer Stuntie's momentum or else he'll smash da boyz to bitz ...escpecially da Gobbos because we all know how dey squish eazy!"

# Rune Priest

Playing this Career:
"Welcome brother to this most holy of callings. Armour, axes and artillery are nothing when it comes to the runes. Preparation is critical to your success as a Rune Priest, your timing and coordination must be legendary. You can use your runes to protect your friends and enhance their powers, but be ready to re-inscribe the runes as needed, for the battles may be long and hard. Once your task of empowering your friends is complete, do not hesitate to take up the holy Rune Staff and help settle the grudges in combat. Balance is the key here, novice. A great Rune Priest knows when to support his allies and smite his foes."

Fighting this Career:
"Ok, here is da deal! If da Wize Stuntie uses all his powerz on himself, well dat makes him right 'ard!. Da best time to get him is when he's repairin' his stuntie friendz. Just make sure you ain't got any other stunties near by, always get da other stunties first! In a big fight, it is better to leave da Wize Stuntie for later and go after fightin' stunties first. Da Wize Stuntie will be easy pickins for da Choppa and Squigs once all da other stunties are cookin over da fire. Just gang up on him and it won't matter how many fancy drawingz he has on his armour!"

# Engineer
“Alright lad, now just pull here, twist, ratchet it down like so – don’t forget to keep counting here, because you’ve got to get to the last bit before you get to five – and then throw it.”
– Grom Goldcrank, Journeyman Engineer

Playing this Career:
"Your job? Ha! See them handguns, pistols, grenades and barrels of black powder? Use 'em! Your job, youns sapper, is to blow the enemy sky high! Careful though, you're no frontline combatant! Oh, and don't forget, powder weapons have their limits; they can punch a hole through full plate, but don't expect to hit anything too far away. Make sure you get nice and close, just not too close. "Pistol Range" is what we called it back in the day. You are a capable melee fighter, just don't be taking on any Black Orcs toe to toe anytime soon! Use your grenades, blunderbusses, artillery bombardments, and then, when he's full of holes, bash him over the head with your spanner. Done deal? Now frap those charges!"

Fighting this Career:
"Da Bang Stuntie is one of da worst cuz he rips da poor boyz to pieces before dey can get at him! Dis is where da Gobbos come in handy...well on top of bein' tasty grub! Ya gotta hit dem Bang Stunties from way far back. Da Bang Stuntie's bang only goes so far. Use Gobbo WAAAAGH magic and arrerz to hit him. While da Shamans and Herderz are keepin da Bang Stuntie buzy, flank him with da real boyz: da Black Orc and da Choppa!! WAAAAAGH!!!"

You accuse me of being a madman. What right have you to judge what is sane and what is not?

Last edited by Drakar on 2007-01-02 17:25, edited 3 times in total.

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PostPosted: 2006-08-25 11:44 
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THE GREENSKINS ... nskins.php

atskleistos zaleodziu "Career Options"

# Black Orc
"Da bigger da Orc, da stronger da Orc. Da stronger da Orc, da more dat's Orc's da boss. No wonder da Black Orcs is always da bosses!"
- Splinta, a Goblin in the Bloody Sun Boyz tribe

Playing this Career:
"Listen 'ere! Weez are da biggest, baddest and meanest of da Orcs! Dat means we can fight however we wants! All ya have to do is find da troublemaker in da enemy mob. Once ya find da troublemaker, rush 'em and kick 'em where it counts! Den, bash 'em wif yer shield and chop him wif your choppa! Don't forget to focus on da troublemaker! Leave da rest and go after 'em one at a time! Weez are 'ard enough to take a kickin and keep da troublemakers busy!"

Fighting this Career:
"Ok lads, when you fight those darn Greenskins, you have to keep in mind that a "fair fight" to them is the farthest thing from fair! Those Black Orcs will do anything to win and keep you on the floor, so watch for his dirty moves. Make sure you use timing and learn his combination attacks. The last thing you want is for him to get you on the ground. Watch for his "fair" fighting moves like trips, head butts and other brutal combinations and you'll be ok."

# Orc Choppa

Playing this Career:
"WAAAAAAAGH!! Chop! Spin! Jump! Chop! Chop! and Chop some more! Don't fink dat you can stop, ever! Get in and start swinging and don't you gitz stop 'till all da stunties are cut into bitz! Da more ya chop, da stronger and more savage yer frenzy will get, until you lose it by unleashing yer supa choppa attacks. Ya can keep swingin' or finish 'em off in a rush of blades. Just make sure ya have energy ta fight fer all da battle 'cuz der is no way ya can take a kickin' like da Black Orc."

Fighting this Career:
"Ok lads, those Orcs with the massive blades are the last thing you want to face in the later stages of the fight! Hit them first and hit them hard. The more they get swinging, the harder and faster they hit. Not only that, but they can pull off some pretty crazy stunts with those blades, even for an Orc. If you can't kill him right away, sap his morale and don't let him go into a frenzy!"

# Goblin Shaman
“Sticks ‘n’ stones’ll break my bones, but Gork and Mork’ll smash yer ‘ead to bits if’n you don’t sod off you big bugger!”
- Gahzbag, Goblin Shaman telling off a Giant

Playing this Career:
"What did you say to me you big lug? You may be pickin' on me now, but just you wait till I give Gork and Mork da signal! Den we'll see whoz is pickin' on who, ya git! I'll tear you and any comers apart, including dat army of stunties on dat mountain! All I needz to do first is decide on if I wants ta heal our boyz or smash dem stunties. Doin' both is da best and da best Shamanz are good at it! Da best way is to smash, heal, smash, heal and smash and heal some more! Yep, that's what I'll do!"

Fighting this Career:
" Now those weedy Goblins are useless except for those Shamans. They are a tricky bunch because although the Orcs beat, kick and try to eat them, they also protect them from non-Greenskin harm! Yes, that means from us Dwarfs and our allies. As twisted as it seems, despite all the abuse, the Orcs defend their Shamans in a fierce manner. If you try to take out the Shaman right away, his big mates will be all over you. If you try to leave him 'till last, his Greenskin magic will be so powerful it may turn out to be a day of recording grudges instead of settling them. Get him and his friends away from each other! Isolate that little Greenskin and stove his head in!"

# Goblin Squig Herder
“…an’ dis one’s Chompy! Chompy’s a right devil he is! Rip a bugger right in two! See dis scar ‘ere on me arm? Dats ol’ Chompy’s ‘andywork! I’mna go grab ‘im… ”
- Greenstumps, Goblin Squig Herder

Playing this Career:
"This here is Gribbla. Careful! Watch your hand, I haven't fed him yet! Now, as I was sayin', this is Gribbla and he's my favouritest Squig! Why? Cuz since I caught him he's chomped two stunties and six humies! Gribbla is my pal, as long as I don't get near his maw! I let Gribbla do the work. He goes after da food (da enemy!) while I give him orders and pepper his meals with my bow and arrerz! Lots of arrerz! It's a bootiful friendship it is, well 'cept for that time he almost bit me legs off! But like I waz sayin' I let Gribbla do the work.."

Fighting this Career:
"I tell ya, those Squigs are something else! They are one part butt and nine parts teeth! Now the last thing you want is one, let alone a whole bloody herd of those things bounding all over and chewing on your friends. Then you have that stinkin', snikerin' Goblin firing arrows at you the whole time. Pain in the neck I tell ya! Remember that a Goblin without squigs is basically useless. Kill the Squigs because a lone Goblin is never something to worry about!"

You accuse me of being a madman. What right have you to judge what is sane and what is not?

Last edited by Drakar on 2007-01-02 17:18, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 2006-08-25 11:48 
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Joined: 2002-12-19 19:00
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Faktas kaip blynas: Mythicas myli dwarfus....

it's all in your head

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PostPosted: 2006-08-29 18:31 
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WAR Cinematic Trailer - Final Version Released!

pilnas ir traileris pademonstruojantis kova tarp visu sesiu rasiu.

savotisku warhammer stiliumi ir niurus/gotikinis bet ir su savitos scenomis sukelenciomis sypsena.

You accuse me of being a madman. What right have you to judge what is sane and what is not?

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PostPosted: 2006-10-18 18:44 
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neblogas intervas apie WH online ir gameplay parodo be to. smagiai ten tas goblu shamanas duodas


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